It’s no secret that the job market is very difficult to get into, making the thought of losing your job terrifying. While the market is difficult for college and MBA graduates, it’s even harder for the older generations to find new jobs. And it is no surprise that employers are seeking younger individuals with greater energy over those with experience and wisdom.
Society holds the misconception that beauty is equated with one’s ability to work and live life in general while youth is associated with energy and drive. It is for this reason that many “baby boomers” are rushing to their cosmetic surgeon for a younger more refreshed look.
Our average life span has increased with the aid of modern medicine. We are living longer and starting careers later in life, so the antiquated concept of one needing to be young to begin a career is far from the truth. Unfortunately, this mindset is still one that many potential employers have, so one has to find a way to circumnavigate this idea in order to obtain employment during these difficult times in the job market.
The advancements in cosmetic surgery have allowed individuals the opportunity to begin targeting aging at the onset with treatments such as Botox, Thermage, and Laser Rejuvenation. Surgical advancements have also allowed patients to make more drastic changes with procedures such as eyelid lift, facelift and neck lift surgeries with minimal downtime. Cosmetic procedures, both non-invasive and invasive, give “baby boomers” the edge needed to make it past the first interview and into the hiring seat.
If you’re noticing the signs of aging are beginning to step in the way of you career advancement, then you may be a candidate for cosmetic rejuvenation. Contact Dr. Jhonny Salomon today for your complimentary consultation.