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IPL or intense pulsed light laser therapy is a form of skin resurfacing developed to improve the appearance of skin while reducing the signs of aging. By utilizing the power of various light wavelengths, the IPL laser goes deep within the layers of skin to reduce fine wrinkles and correct damage such as hyper pigmentation, blemishes, liver spots, rosacea, spider veins and scars. IPL laser therapy is specifically effective in treating areas of varying pigmentation such as broken capillaries or hyper pigmented areas. IPL laser therapy also stimulates the production of collagen causing the reduction of fine lines, resulting in a more youthful appearance.
What to expect? The treatment will last approximately twenty to thirty minutes. Patients are required to wear eye protection throughout the procedure to ensure no damage is done to the eyes. Prior to the procedure, your physician will apply a cooling gel to the skin, he/she will then apply the IPL hand piece to the area being treated. Following the treatment, the area is wiped with warm water followed by a sun protecting sunscreen. Although relatively painless, some patients report mild stinging during their first session. Dr. Salomon recommends applying an ice pack to the treated area following the procedure to soothe this discomfort.
IPL laser therapy is an outpatient procedure and patients can return to normal activity immediately following the treatment. Patients may notice slight redness following the procedure, which will subside after a few days. Dark spots treated with IPL laser therapy are often times darker following the procedure and will begin to fade within one week. It is also possible for one to notice some scabbing, which is reduced within one month following the procedure. For maximum results, it is recommended that patients undergo 4 to 6 IPL laser therapy sessions scheduled one month apart.
Not all individuals are candidates for IPL laser treatment and it is important to discuss all risks and treatment options with your doctor. Contact Dr. Jhonny Salomon’s office today to schedule your complimentary consultation to see if IPL laser treatments are right for you.