How does CBD affect your Cosmetic Procedure?

While some countries are opting for lenient ways for the recreational use of marijuana, consuming CBD before or after your cosmetic surgery can result in slowing down your healing time and deteriorate your surgical outcome. As a double board-certified surgeon in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Jhonny Salomon takes us through the risks involved in vaping CBD to ensure his patients have safe and secure surgery. 

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the main extract of the marijuana plant, the second being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana). Though it has gained popularity in recent times, this hemp plant derivative had records of therapeutic use that dates back to 2737 BC. CBD can cure problems like epilepsy, insomnia, and mental health disorders. As a physician, Dr. Salomon weighs the popularity vs research on health products, to eliminate the possible risks and follow a safe surgical procedure.

CBD photo from The Health Mania

Consuming CBD before Surgery  

Consumed mostly in self-management of pain and anxiety, many patients consult if they can vape CBD before their surgical procedures or during it. CBD products should not be ingested by patients for a few days before and after surgery because of the anticoagulant effect that can put a patient’s life at risk with excess bleeding during and after surgery. Excess bleeding may then extend the surgery procedure to an unanticipated one to correct abundant bleeding, asymmetry, and tissue death post-surgery. 


Dr. Salomon suggests patients drop taking herbal supplements, vitamin or nicotine to ensure that the patient does not face problems with anesthesia. Consuming CBD may also result in potent reactions with the enzymes in the liver that prevents the medication’s job. As the perfect dosing for CBD is undefined, proper precautions must be taken for a safe surgical procedure. 


Be it cigarettes or weed, smoking any kind of drug before surgery can lead to respiratory distress, pneumonia risks and interference with anesthesia, leading to airway emergencies post-surgery. Marijuana also leads to poor scarring of your surgical sites. The best choice for consuming CBD is through edibles. Edibles can eliminate respiratory problems and lead the healing process smoothly. However, one is suggested not to ingest it past the allowed time before surgery. 

Marijuana effects during Surgery 

The usage of Marijuana during the surgical procedure can cause dramatic effects. While some patients tend to consume CBD in an attempt to relax, this idea can cause serious problems. Consuming CBD relaxes the blood vessels through a process called Vasodilation. Relaxing the body’s blood vessels can cause a failure in blood pressure and an increased heart rate. Additionally, the presence of carbon monoxide in Cannabis slows down the moment of oxygen flow in the body thereby, diminishing the healing process. Consuming CBD after surgery increases the time that’s taken to remove a patient from the ventilator. 

Safest ways to consume CBD after surgery 

The medical industry and CBD policy have a long way to go before any patient gets a weed prescription during his pre or post-surgical procedure. For those who are looking for weed to treat pain, it is recommended that you consider healthier ways of getting high. Choosing something like vaping can hamper the healing process. The healthier alternative for vaping can be edibles, oils, or tinctures. 


Edibles come in various varieties and strengths. Concerning the pain you’re feeling, Dr. Salomon can recommend you the variations of strength that’s offered in a versatile palate. 


Edibles can sometimes be pretty strong and the effects can be unpredictable. Instead of edibles, consumers can ingest tinctures in the form of food and drinks. 


As Dr. Salomon suggests, it is always important to consult your surgeon before consuming Cannabis prior to and after surgery. This will help them to make necessary adjustments that will suit your body conditions. Dr. Jhonny Salomon is a renowned plastic surgeon in Florida who has taken a step towards safer surgical procedures.