Have you been thinking about liposuction in Miami?
A lot of people think about liposuction in Miami. What do you think about when you hear the words, “the battle of the bulge”? That tiny, five-word phrase has been shoved in our faces for years, thanks to television, newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, no matter how hard you fight, the bulge has a tougher army. The fact is that certain people have fat cells that will not shrink, despite diet and exercise. You can thank heredity for that in some cases. Liposuction is an option to remove small bulges that won’t budge and to improve your body’s shape. The areas of the body that are most commonly treated include:
- Hips
- Abdomen
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Face
Liposuction does not remove cellulite, only fat. One thing most people don’t think about is who is a good candidate for liposuction? A good candidate for liposuction should have realistic expectations about the results of this procedure as well as these basic qualities:
- An average or slightly above-average weight
- Has firm, elastic skin
- Is in good overall health
- Have concentrated pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise
Patients with poor skin quality (cellulite) are not good candidates for liposuction because they may develop skin irregularities due to under, or over, correction of localized fat deposits. Age is generally not a major consideration when discussing liposuction; however, older patients often have less elasticity in their skin and thus may not achieve the same benefits of liposuction in Miami that a younger patient with tighter skin might achieve. If you would like to find out more about this procedure, our staff is ready to answer any and all questions that you may have.
What is the cost of liposuction in Miami?
The cost of liposuction in Miami can vary widely from doctor to facility. The average fee may not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses. A surgeon’s fee will be based on his or her experience, the type of procedure used, and the geographic office location. Most health insurance does not cover liposuction or its complications, but many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans, so be sure to ask. Liposuction costs may include anesthesia fees, hospital or surgical facility costs, medical tests, post-surgery garments, prescriptions for medication, or the surgeon’s fee. When choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area for liposuction, remember that the surgeon’s experience and your comfort with him or her are just as important as the final cost of the surgery. Another thing to think about is recovery. During your liposuction recovery, a compression garment or elastic bandages may cover treatment areas once your procedure is completed. These help to control swelling and compress the skin to your new body contours. In addition, small temporary drains may be placed in existing incisions beneath the skin to remove any excess blood or fluid. You will be given specific instructions that may include:
- How to care for the surgical site and drains
- Medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection
- Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health
- When to follow up with your plastic surgeon
Be sure to ask your plastic surgeon specific questions about what you can expect during your individual recovery period. These questions can include the following:
- Where will I be taken after my surgery is complete?
- What medication will I be given or prescribed after surgery?
- Will I have dressings/bandages after surgery?
- How long will I wear the compression garment?
- Are stitches removed? When?
- When can I resume normal activity and exercise?
- When do I return for follow-up care?
Keep in mind that it may take several months for the swelling to fully dissipate. As it does, your new contours and enhanced self-image should continue to develop and you will start to see why the cost of liposuction in Miami is worth it when you come to our facility.
What should you know before you receive liposuction in Miami?
When you have questions or are ready to schedule your appointment for liposuction in Miami, you will most likely have questions. The first step before undergoing liposuction will be to arrange a consultation with Dr. Jhonny Salomon. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss which options are best for you, your skin type, the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, the potential financial cost and what your expectations should be. Do not hesitate to ask the surgeon any questions you may have. Now is not the time to be shy. Once you have decided to undergo liposuction, your surgeon will give you any instructions you need to prepare for the surgery. This may include dietary or alcohol guidelines restrictions or the taking or avoiding of certain vitamins. Be sure to tell your surgeon of any allergies you have as well as any and all medications you are taking. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications as well as herbal supplements. When you contact us today, we can schedule your consultation with our doctor so that you can get all of your questions answered and feel comfortable with your decision to have liposuction in Miami and are ready to have your own before and after.
Will the results of liposuction in Miami be forever?
When you have a liposuction in Miami, the fat cells are removed permanently, so if you gain weight after the procedure, it usually will not concentrate in the area that was treated. However, it is important to note that liposuction will not prevent you from regaining weight. To keep your new shape and new weight after liposuction, you must follow a proper diet and exercise plan.
We do want you to keep in mind that as with any procedure, there are risks involved. However, liposuction has a good safety record and the risks associated with the procedure are minimized when performed by a specially trained, board-certified plastic surgeon. Although rare, risks include infection and skin discoloration. As with all surgery, common sense is important. The risk of medical problems can be minimized by avoiding extremely long procedures or excessive removal of fat.
Finally, you may ask is liposuction covered by insurance? Like all cosmetic procedures, liposuction is not covered by health insurance plans. Ask to talk with a representative who can explain the costs of the procedure and payment options. And when you are finally informed and ready for liposuction in Miami, make sure you contact Dr. Jhonny Salomon!